nedjelja, 6. listopada 2013.

Meditacija na pečat Plavog Orla

Meditacija na pečat Plavog Orla
PLAVI ORAO Stvara Viziju. Afirmacija za Plavog Orla: "Kroz tebe, Gaja, ja sam također transformiran / transformirana. Ja se budim kroz povratak božankse Ljubavi i Svjetla. Svi smo jedno! Gaja, kako se ti budiš - ja ozdravljam. Kako se ja budim - ti bivaš izliječena. Zajedno naše latice se otvaraju u ekstazi ka novom Suncu Cvijeća." Plavi Orao simbolizira kolektivni um. Kroz vjeru u sebe i realizaciju svojih vizija isjeljujemo kolektivni um, dajemo prostor novim mogućnostima i pozitivnim promjenama na planeti. Plavi Orao nas podsjeća da ono što unapređuje našu osobnu evoluciju - unapređuje i evoluciju kolektivnog uma. Mi smo oni koji transformiramo i donosimo promjene. Plavi Orao nas uči saosjećanju. U svoje planove i vizije uključimo aktivnosti koje će poboljšati naše odnose sa drugima, koje će donijeti dobro Zemlji i svim živim bićima. Plavi Orao nas uči da vidimo daleko, da proširimo svoj duh. Poziva nas da poletimo, da se izdignemo iznad svakodnevice. Poziva nas da se probudimo i ispunimo Božanskom Ljubavi i Svjetlosti. 

Meditation on the seal of the Blue Eagle
Blue Eagle Vision Creates. Blue Eagle reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment as a planetary server! Your assignment includes whatever furthers your personal evolution and the evolution of global mind. You are an awakener, a transformer, an empowered gloal visionary. In your vision, you have compassion for others, and your decisions are made in the light of global consciousness. Ask yourself how you might experience compassion toward self, the Earth, and others. Be guided towards types of work, relationships, places to live, and projects that will benefit the Earth and her creatures. Allow your spirit to expand. Soar on your spreading wings and planetary perspective. Affirm: "Through your, Gaia, I am also transformed! I am awakening as the return of divine love and light. We are all one. Gaia, as you awaken, I heal myself. As I awaken, you are healed, and together our petals open ecstatically to the new Sun of Flowers." You are a member of the one global family, a planetary server and transformer. Blue Eagle asks you to join in lifting the collective mind. It is up to each one of us to hold a positive vision and affirmation, for the means by which this miracle will occur is through changes in the one affecting the greater whole.

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