ponedjeljak, 28. listopada 2013.


Samopostojeća Luna Sove, Luna forme je četvrta luna u Začaranom valu Planetarnog Služenja, drži moć u samopostojećem obliku, formi. 

„Mi smo planet, naš um je planetarni um, naše kolektivno ujedinjenje kao Jedno, jedan um, je spas za planetu i uskrsnuće u galaktičku svijest. Jedinstveni planetarni um se naziva Noosfera.“ "- Jose Arguelles / Valum Votan
Kako konfuzija na planeti raste,  galaktički sustav svijesti na temelju Zakona Vremena služi kao planetarni lijek za dizanje svijesti prema spoznaji da postoje viša, proširenja područja od postojanja svijeta treće dimenzije, i formom i izgledom /  pojavom.
U Pulsar geometriji, četvrti ton počinje Pulsarom Uma - trećom dimenzijom. Sve u trećoj dimenziji prvo dolazi iz uma. Ova samopostojeća luna definira i redefinira naše oblike percepcije i djelovanja u ime cjeline. Prvi korak je slušati glas našeg istinskog bića, istinske suštine.

Totem za ovaj mjesec je Sova – mudrost. Totem Sove nas poziva da se pitamo: Tko sam? Tko smo mi? Tko smo postali? Bitna stvar je da čujemo glas svoje suštine, svoje biti. Sve ovisi o tome. Sve istinito znanje i napredovanje izvan samonametnute ograničenosti naših sadašnjih uvjeta dolazi od slušanja naše biti. To zahtijeva isključivanje naših mobitela i računala svaki dan i davanje prostora našoj duši, esenciji disati. U svijetu u kojem živimo to može biti osobito izazovno jer uvjetovano biće govori s mnogo glasova i stvara mnogo situacija koja odvlače pažnju od posvećivanja unutrašnjoj biti i njegovanja punine. Navike svih vrsta i očekivanja, posebno su zapreke slušanja glasa naše suštine .
Koliko je naš život diktiran, usmjeren djelovanjem "obveza."? A koliko je naš života usmjeren kroz našu pravu, istinsku bit? Nije dovoljno samo slušati glas, već je potrebno poduzeti ono što nam srce govori, ostati vjeran svojem unutrašnjem glasu, unatoč tuđim mišljenjima. To je glas naše esencije koja nas povezuje s našim dijelom kozmičkog plana. To je naša bit koja nas ujedinjuje u našem jedinstvenom putu prema cjelini. Što više slušamo unutrašnju esenciju, to će se više moći otključati cijeli "univerzalni mehanizam."

Izvor: http://www.lawoftime.org/home.html
Prevela: Vesna Bijelo Galaktičko Ogledalo


Welcome to the Self-Existing Owl Moon of Form! This is the 4th Moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell, holding the power of self-existing form. 
"We are the planet, our one mind is the planetary mind. Our collective unification as a single total is the salvation of the planet and resurrection into galactic consciousness. This is also called the noosphere."  —Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan
As the confusion of the planet rises, the galactic system of consciousness based on the Law of Time serves as a planetary medicine lifting us into the awareness that we exist within a higher, more expanded realm of existence than the world of third-dimensional form and appearance.
In the pulsar geometry, the fourth tone begins the third-dimensional mind pulsar. Everything in the third dimension comes first from mind. This Self-Existing Moon we are being called to define and redefine our form of perception and action on behalf of the whole. The first step is by listening to and heeding the voice of our true essence.
"The Plan of the Almighty is the lock key of the entire universal mechanism. Being able to unlock this lock is only possible by hearing the voice of your essence. To be unified as a whole is this."—The Knowledge Book, p. 285
The totem for this moon is the owl of wisdom asking: Who? Who are we? Who are we becoming? The essential point here is being able to hear the voice of our essence. Everything depends on this.All true knowledge and advancement beyond the self-imposed limitations of our present conditions comes from listening to our inner essence. This requires turning off our cell phones and computers each day and giving our soul essence space to breathe. In the world we live in this can be especially challenging since the conditioned being speaks with so many voices and creates so many situations that divert one from the cultivation of true essence. Habits of all kinds and expectations in particular are hindrances to hearing the voice of our essence.

"Is it not our duty to always redefine the boundaries of the unknown by expanding the territory of the known?" —Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

How much of our life is dictated by seeming "obligations." And how much of our life is dictated by our true essence?  It is not enough to just listen to the voice, but to take to heart what it says and to stay true to its command despite other people's opinions. It is the voice of our essence that connects us to our part of the Cosmic Plan. It is our essence that unifies us in our unique way to the whole. The more we listen to it, the more it will be able to unlock the entire "universal mechanism."


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